Civil War Presentation 3,8/5 5125 reviews
  1. Civil War Presentation Sword
  2. Civil War Ppt

The Presentation Presentation swords are swords that were usually presented to officers out of respect and recognition of service or deed. Many were presented from donations taken up by soldiers of the rank and file serving under them (in gratitude for not getting them killed) or family, relatives, and friends. Rare presentation swords would include those presented by high office or Congress. Amongst the presentation swords highly prized by collectors are those constructed from high grade materials and those exhibiting superior craftsmanship and attention to detail. One can generally expect swords presented to officers wounded or killed on the battlefield to command a premium, especially those swords presented to officers executing critical roles in battles, those bestowed with the medal of honor or engraved with battle honors and of other historical significance.

Any of these additional attributes related to the sword will increase the dollar amount one might expect to pay. A word of caution is warranted regarding fakes and 'homemade' provenance. As presentation swords tend to draw higher prices, it is inevitable that the market becomes attractive to those seeking to defraud unwitting buyers. It is relatively easy to have inscriptions added to swords. Due diligence should be practiced prior to purchasing the sword, not afterwards (I speak from experience). For a $30.00 fee, records of soldiers may be ordered online from the (NARA).

Title: The Civil War 1 The Civil War. 1861-1865. Presented By Alaina Elliott 2 The Civil War. The American Civil War was a major war between the Union and Confederate Armies.

1861-1865 3 The North. The Union Army defended the Northern States which was led by Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party. 4 The South. The Confederate Army defended the Southern States which was led by Jefferson Davis. 5 Union/Confederate States. Union states. Union territories.

Union border states -permitted slavery. Kansas, entered the Union as a free state after the Bleeding Kansas crisis. The Confederacy. Confederate claimed and held territories 6 Beginning and End. The war began on April 12, 1861 when the Confederates opened fire at Fort Sumter. May of 1865, the remaining Confederate soldiers surrendered, the war was ended and the nation was able to reunite. 7 The Civil War Was.

Unquestionably the most important event in the nation. The end of slavery. Downfall of a southern planter establishment. 8 The Civil War was. The turning point of political and economic order. The beginning of industry, business, and government.

Civil war presentation sword

The costliest 9 The Civil War Was. The first modern war. The most American causalities. Greatest domestic suffering. The most horrible, necessary, mean-spirited, and heroic conflict known. 10 Civil War Facts. Three million men fought.

More than 620,000 killed. Hundreds of thousands more wounded or missing. 50,000 survivors returned home as amputees. 11 Causes of War.

Slavery. Moral and Political differences. States Rights.

A new birth of Freedom 12 Slavery. Slavery- persons deprived of freedom and perform labor services.


Slaves are treated as the property of another person / household 13 Slaves were. Held against their will. Deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to receive compensation for their labor. 14 Emancipation Proclamation. Issued by President Lincoln on January 1, 1863. Declared that all persons held as slaves are, and henceforward shall be free.' 15 Emancipation Proclamation.

The Proclamation announced that black men were able to join the Union Army and Navy. By the end of the war, almost 200,000 black soldiers and sailors had fought for freedom.

16 Battles. Fort Sumter. Shiloh. Seven Pines. Seven Days'. Fredericksburg. Chancellorsville.

Civil War Presentation

Chickamauga. Chattanooga. Spotsylvania. Cold Harbor. Pettersburg. Gettysburg 17.

The Civil War, in one way or another, touched the lives of every American but its tremendous impact on domestic life is often overlooked. 18 Works Cited. http// http// is a leading presentation/slideshow sharing website.

Civil War Presentation Sword

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Civil War Ppt

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