Got Any Binaries For Mac 4,6/5 5663 reviews

This site uses:. no advertisement and sponsored content. no pop-up window. no bundled software. no.

no web analytics. no tracking tool. no third-party resource. no Flash content. no referer and registration required.

no HTML frame. no CAPTCHA.

no IP address stored (but the server does it). no malicious redirection and shortened URL.

a standard session cookie about the comment form to avoid spambots. JavaScript only for avatars, comment form. The site works perfectly without it. (, ).

(via ). info Latest site updated: 43 seconds ago (max: 1 hour). removed The 'No WebRTC' builds are stopped since version 68. For help, the last builds are still downloadable:,. removed Chromium Portable of.

These releases are too outdated. new Dear users: Marmaduke shares his builds compiled with all codecs!.

removed ungoogled-chromium (64-bit), on Windows:. new Secure connection:. changed Now, we use the 'Snapshots' repository about 'The Chromium Authors' (official) builds. removed Chromium Portable and Chromium Updater (crupdater) of are discontinued.

changed The Chromium Team has removed non-clusterfuzz and non-telemetry. So I rewrote a new internal engine for this site. removed Chromium Portable of and have not been updated for a long time. changed Update of and site colors. changed The site structure has changed. Your OS and architecture (32/64-bit) is dynamically highlighted if detected.

changed The time is based on the local time of Mountain View (USA) where the server is located. fixed Cron was temporarily broken because my server was under maintenance. Now, the full site is automatically updated each hour. removed In the Buildbot results, 'bug=none' does not mean 'build without bug'. So, I cleaned my feeds and about that.

Example of a good build:. changed Major update. The full site is now based on the Git revision's commit hash. See my to quickly understand.

fixed About Chromium builds stored at SourceForge: If your browser does not send a header, you can directly download them. changed Modified content of each feed in order to provide a better visibility into RSS readers. changed Shortened URLs about: → new Now you can post anonymous. How to install, update and remove Chromium, on Windows?

About updates: your settings, bookmarks, extensions, history, passwords, cookies. Will be saved. Do not worry! For automated updates, use a Chromium Installer. Download the EXE executable file (This is a archive file.

So you can unzip it to see its content). Close Chromium browser if opened. Execute this EXE file.

Wait for 2 or 3 seconds (Installation is silent). Open Chromium browser. It is updated!. To remove it definitively: use the or a software like. Archive. Download the ZIP archive file.

Close Chromium browser if opened. Unzip this ZIP file. Delete all the files from your installation directory.

Move the files from the unzipped directory to your installation directory. Open Chromium browser. It is updated!. To remove it definitively: delete your installation directory Portable Note: Chromium has 'Secure Preferences' feature based on the machine.

So extensions, certificates and passwords are not portable. The only way to migrate these data is to synchronize your data. Download and unzip ''. Execute chrlauncher.exe ( is a free and open-source Chromium launcher/updater). Close Chromium browser if a notification displays a new version.

Click on the 'Download' button. Wait for download and automatic installation. Open Chromium browser. It is updated!.

To remove it definitively: delete the chrlauncher folder Package. Install (A free and open-source package manager) in command-line. Chromium will be automatically updated via Chocolatey. To remove it definitively: use the 'uninstall' command-line via Chocolatey Windows XP, Vista Since version 50, Chromium is. For help, version 49 works fine (, ).

In addition, if you have an old CPU without SSE2 support, version 34 is the last one (, ). Reference: Google Chrome 70.0.3538.110 ( 587811). Monday, 19 Nov 2018.

ThumbApps no-sync win32 71.0.3567.0. Monday, 1 Oct 2018 This is an open-source and custom-built version of Chromium optimized for portable use. So, you can run it from an USB flash drive, portable hard drive, CD or any other portable media. Samsung laser printer driver download. You can take your bookmarks, extensions, themes and plugins with you.

This portable version will leave no personal information behind on the machine you run it on. Packaged in the format by, it can work as standalone software. How to update it?

Nothing is written to the Windows registry. This version uses a specific subfolder (named 'Data') directly in the main folder, for all user data. So, take care when you update it! Info:.

Source. ThumbApps no-sync win64 71.0.3567.0. Monday, 1 Oct 2018 This is an open-source and custom-built version of Chromium optimized for portable use. So, you can run it from an USB flash drive, portable hard drive, CD or any other portable media. You can take your bookmarks, extensions, themes and plugins with you. This portable version will leave no personal information behind on the machine you run it on. Packaged in the format by, it can work as standalone software.

How to update it? Nothing is written to the Windows registry.

This version uses a specific subfolder (named 'Data') directly in the main folder, for all user data. So, take care when you update it!

Info:. Source. How to install, update and remove Chromium, on macOS?

About updates: your settings, bookmarks, extensions, history, passwords, cookies. Will be saved. Do not worry! For automated updates, use a Chromium Installer. Download the DMG file.

Close Chromium browser if opened. Execute this DMG file. Drag its icon on Applications folder.

You may then 'Eject' and throw away this disk image. To remove it definitively: drag the app from the Applications folder to the Trash. Archive. Download the ZIP archive file. Close Chromium browser if opened. Unzip this ZIP file.

Double click on the unzipped folder to open it. Drag its icon on Applications folder.

To remove it definitively: drag the app from the Applications folder to the Trash Reference: Google Chrome 70.0.3538.110 ( 587811). Monday, 19 Nov 2018. Obviously, you know this site is not the Chromium official website. As a regular user (not an expert), I created it in 2013 because I did not find a simple way to download good releases. I try to keep it as and as possible!;) This is absolutely a non-profit site. Please, read the (on the right-hand side).

In short:. The is development oriented. Users are invited to download Google Chrome. The gives to users only DEV builds (also known as 'Snapshot', 'Nightly' or 'Raw' builds). This site gives to users a choice of builds: DEV (also on its ), stable and portable builds. All downloads are from reliable sources only:. → official DEV builds (Check the Chromium buildbot).

and → other free and open-source builds Chromium exists since. It is the free and open-source project behind the famous browser. Intrinsically, maintained by many (developers, engineers, graphic designers, security researchers.) from Google, Cloudflare, Facebook, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Intel, Mozilla, Nike, Nvidia, Samsung, Vivaldi, Yandex. And external contributors. Chromium is not only a web browser. It is a blend of different open-source projects:.

(a rendering engine). (a security mechanism for separating running programs). (a JavaScript engine). (a graphics engine abstraction layer). (a graphics library). and other.

There are to work on an open-source project. (archive: ) These projects are used in Chromium browser and other software like Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi, Microsoft Edge, Skype, Spotify, Steam, Minecraft, WhatsApp, Twitch, Android WebView, Microsoft Visual Studio Code, Electron, CEF. For example, on Windows, Firefox uses some stuff of Chromium (, ANGLE, Skia, Google Safe browsing).

Microsoft Edge uses ANGLE. Chromium is not fully designed by Google! However, as a primary investor, Google gives a consistent guidance and provides all free tools and services related to this project. Chromium is the project then Google Chrome is the product. Officially, Chromium does not have a stable release. The official developers (aka The Chromium Authors) do not release it to end users. So it is continually in development.

Google Chrome is the stable release. But is not open-source. In fact, Chromium has a stable version. ^^ Example: The current stable on is 70. In this version, there are 110 patches which correct many issues (bugs, feature requests, enhancements.). Because Chromium is open-source , anybody can compile it. You must be a developer to do this.

Just get the from the official Git repository and compile it! All stable versions of Chromium on,. Are always made by third-party developers. The stable version of Chromium is compiled by:. Google developers →. Opera developers →. Yandex developers →.

Vivaldi developers →. Nik developer → Chromium, on.

FreeSMUG and Marmaduke developers → Chromium, on. Some developers → Chromium, on each and distribution. Some developers →.

Some developers → other projects like,. Basically, Chromium has few versions every day, but you can stick with a version for about a month before you need to upgrade.

Dev A DEV build (also known as 'Snapshot', 'Nightly' or 'Raw' build) is compile of the Chromium code whenever there are submitted code changes. A snapshot build will be created as long as the code compiles successfully. Its binary files are stored in the of. This build is really just development tool for checking whether issues are fixed in the latest Chromium code. It can be buggy and unstable. About lkcr/lkgr development builds lkcr A LKCR build does at least provide some level of guarantee that the particular revision actually should build, which is good for third-party builds for not wasting time on potentially uncompilable builds. As a result, LKCR usually trails the dev trunk by a few revisions (commits).

If building straight off dev, it can be a guess whether a build will compile or not, so a third-party builder could be wasting processor cycles that could otherwise go to a known compilable build (LKCR). Lkgr Each snapshot build is then run through the. If that snapshot build successfully passes the automated tests, it is considered as a good build: LKGR (Last Known Good Revision). And can become potentially a stable build.

Note LKGR builds were stored in the until Friday, 18 Mar 2016. The Chromium team has removed few LKGR builders (, and ) but other ones still work (, ). Finally, there is no LKGR binary shared by the Chromium team. But any developer can re-compile it! ^^ stable A stable build is a DEV build tested and improved by the Chromium team.

In resume:. dev: Untested and may be unstable version (downloadable on the and my ). stable: The most stable version. Except for stable versions, the developers use the official Snapshots repository to re-compile their builds. So I give you the opportunity to download only nice Chromium releases;) If you want, check the simplest multilingual page: This entire website ( and included) is auto-updated each hour by the server itself.

Thanks for your attention. Have a good time!;) Jerry.

Chromium vs Google Chrome. Chromium browser has:. only open-source licenses (, MIT license, LGPL, MS-PL and MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-licensed code) plus unlicensed files. It is a project.

To use Google services (Sync, Translate, Contacts, Hotword.), Chromium needs. Chromium can display a top message if the Google API keys are needed for Google services: Google API keys are missing. Some functionality of Chromium will be disabled. How to create your own Google API keys? With your own Google API keys, many Google services (Sync, Translate, Contacts, Hotword.) will work. Follow the to get them.

Other info at. Then set three environment variables: On: Launch Command Prompt and enter the following commands: setx GOOGLEAPIKEY yourkey setx GOOGLEDEFAULTCLIENTID yourclientid setx GOOGLEDEFAULTCLIENTSECRET yourclientsecret ( = set environment variables permanently) On and: Plop these in your /.profile file: export GOOGLEAPIKEY='yourkey' export GOOGLEDEFAULTCLIENTID='yourclientid' export GOOGLEDEFAULTCLIENTSECRET='yourclientsecret' Now launch Chromium. How to disable Google API keys? Without Google API keys, many Google services (Sync, Translate, Contacts, Hotword.) will not work. On: Launch Command Prompt and enter the following commands: setx GOOGLEAPIKEY 'false' setx GOOGLEDEFAULTCLIENTID 'false' setx GOOGLEDEFAULTCLIENTSECRET 'false' ( = set environment variables permanently) On and: Plop these in your /.profile file: export GOOGLEAPIKEY='false' export GOOGLEDEFAULTCLIENTID='false' export GOOGLEDEFAULTCLIENTSECRET='false' Now launch Chromium. Is a deprecated multimedia software platform.

Since 2015, the Flash plugin is discontinued. So, PepperFlash ( PPAPI) is the unique plugin for Chromium. For info, PepperFlash is secure because it works in a. In short, it executes in its own process, separate from the browser's rendering engine.

How to quickly install the Flash plugin? On Windows and macOS, Chomium find PepperFlash itself (= without ).

Install PepperFlash (PPAPI) from. Check. Disable 'Ask first' in the page. Test if animation works on the page. How to manually install the Flash plugin? This is a full manual installation tutorial. (If Google Chrome is already installed, go directly to '3.

Add command-line flags' 1. Get PepperFlash (PPAPI) This plugin is a non-free (proprietary) software developed by Adobe, and distributed bundled with Google Chrome. So get it from the official sources: Adobe or Google. Is a deprecated API that allows browser extensions to be developed. Chromium 45.0.2416.0 (331982) is the last version which still has NPAPI plugin support enabled via or group policy registry. (. ) How to still use a NPAPI plugin?

Few ways:. Switch to another plugins (like browser).

or install an older Chromium version (Ex:, 331959, 331938, 331935.). or install the addon which allows users to view pages using the IE layout engine More info on site archives:. (Sunday, 26 Jul 2015). (Friday, 17 Jul 2015).

By default, (AAC, H.264/MP4) in the. How to use Chromium with all audio/video codecs? Few ways:. Use Nik builds on or Marmaduke builds on. All codecs are enabled ^^.

or compile Chromium from with proprietary codecs. or install an older version having ffmpegsumo file (Ex:, 333334, 333283, 333258.).

or choose other. On, you can use Chromium with proprietary codecs Before, we used an alternative with the Google Chrome ffmpegsumo file and our Patch HTML5 Media extension. More info on site archives:. (Monday, 8 Jun 2015).

(Friday, 5 Jun 2015) Check HTML5 audio/video support at If there is a video issue, disable hardware acceleration (see ). This is a free and simple API for developers to update Chromium to the latest good build via a bash (shell) script, a browser extension. Please, do not use this API to build other websites. To prevent abuse, the site can audit each API request.

(Formerly QupZilla). (Works on any OS). (Firefox based). (A minimalist browser). (Firefox based using Tor, an anonymity network). (Firefox based).

or all. In simple words, a of Chromium means Chromium engine is used to create another web browser. Proprietary browsers: (developed by official contributors of the Chromium ). (by Google). (by. Golden Brick Capital/). (by Vivaldi Technologies.

). (by Yandex) I do not recommend:. (Proprietary. but its Chromium is ever outdated compared to the ).

(Proprietary. ). (Proprietary. Versioning system is not clear: - Archive: ). or with 'better privacy' than Google Chrome. Why not recommended?

Because all of these browsers are closed-source, outdated, based on Chromium like Google Chrome. And most of the features they remove don't even exist in Chromium, in the first place. Control your personal info and yourself ^^ Moreover, InsanityBit explains this very well on his blog: (2012. Archives:, ) Note if a new browser with 'better privacy' than Google Chrome is based on Chromium and is fully open-source, it should be ok for me.

Google is famous. Its and marketing strategy are well known. So you have to ask you some questions. Do you trust in an unknown team more than Google? Is an outdated Chromium fork?. (2016. Archive: ).

(2016. Archive: ). (2015. Archive: ) Few free and open-source Chromium forks:. (Block website trackers and remove intrusive internet advertisements). (Patches for Chromium with adblocking features and enhanced privacy).

(A set of patches applied on the Arch Linux chromium package. ). (, compared to Chromium. ).

(A set of patches for removing Google integration., ). (Based on a development version. Often outdated browser). (Discontinued project since 2016. ). (Based on a development version. Archive: ).

For a better privacy protection, use open-source like Chromium or Firefox. Do not forget: It is open-source does not mean it is secure and respects user privacy.

Moreover, security ≠ privacy. If your browser is fully 'open-source', it means that somebody with the capability can review the. With versioning tools like SVN or Git, it is easier for developers to find malicious code (Ex: → corrected 7 days after the report). Only an open-source code allows such defense. This is better for secure browsing and user privacy.

The is very solid. While I recommend Firefox as the most reliable browser for privacy enthusiasts (cf. Settings, and ad blocking extensions), Chromium is probably a reasonable alternative for everyday web browsing. My way (but do as you like ^^):. Modify your to stop 'natively' domains who serve ads, spyware and malware.

Use a VPN with strong encryption for your whole OS or router (It is better than browser VPN/proxy ). Use an up-to-date web browser. Change few. Install few You cannot be anonymous on web even using a VPN or TOR network. It is a myth that you cannot be tracked online.

There a lot of technologies to get user data. Read the for more info. However, you can protect your privacy against tracking and profiling tools. These tools are everywhere today. You can find them in firmware (hardware), software, app, extensions and websites.

The reason for updating to the latest version is security. As security threats are found, they are fixed.

Using an old version expose user to a number of security holes and privacy issues. Browsers are far more subject to hacking than other software. Adjust all settings and advanced settings in:. Do not log in with a Google account.

Do not save passwords in the browser (Prefer a free and open-source password manager like or ). Enable the (or private) mode (Ctrl+Shift+N shortcut. Use a to start Chromium in this mode). Disable all options in the 'Privacy and security' section because most of them use an external Google service.

(Ex: 'Safe Browsing' option uses. More info about ). Block third-party cookies. Block the plugin. Do not share your location. Prevent (Use the -disable-reading-from-canvas ) Modify your to prevent your OS from connecting to domains who serve ads, spyware and malware. This will increase your OS security and save bandwidth.

(A Malwarebytes service). Note:. Few like uBlock Origin can also use these lists in their settings.

Free auto-updating Hosts managers:, By default you are using the DNS servers of your ISP but you do not have to stick with them. Before to choose one,. Free for personal use:. (by ).

(by ). (by ). (by ) discontinued. (by ). (by. ) Note: Few exist to protect user privacy on search engines. Search engines.

Metasearch engine. (by. Uses Bing, Yahoo. Your antivirus has detected a in Chromium files. False positive? You have downloaded Chromium from a reliable source and maybe also used an open-source. In this case, it is surely a false positive.

Got Any Binaries For Mac Free

The detection is generic (heuristic). There is absolutely no backdoor or other malware inside. Remember that the full is available. You will get a similar result if you compile Chromium yourself. Note a specific thing to Chromium browser:. Chromium has no (unlike Google Chrome). Antivirus use generic detection and database of malware signatures.

which aggregates many antivirus is a Google service using its for software like Google Chrome (because it is digitally signed), not for Chromium. So, unsigned Chromium + any antivirus or VirusTotal service = More chance to get an antivirus alert. False positive reports known for few years ago:. (2018.

Avast antivirus. Archive: ). (2018. Avast antivirus.

Archive: ). (2016.

Avast antivirus. Archive: ). (2015. Panda Internet Security. Archive: ). (2014.

Avast antivirus. Archive: ).

(2014. Chromium Issue Tracker. Archive: ). (2012. Chromium Issue Tracker.

Archive: ). (2010. Chromium Issue Tracker. Archive: ).

(2008. Chromium Issue Tracker. Archive: ) Authentic malware? Obviously, it is also possible. The common entry methods for Chromium virus are freeware downloads as bundled software (bundleware) and spam e-mails.


It means Chromium has been silently installed via another software. Do not forget Chromium is free and open-source. So malware writers use Chromium to push malicious code on to your system. Remove this 'fake' Chromium version or suspicious web browser (like BeagleBrowser, BoBrowser, BrowserAir, Chedot, eFast Browser, Fusion Browser, Mustang Browser, MyBrowser, Olcinium Browser, Palikan, Qword Browser, Tortuga Browser.). The other way is about a compromised Chromium repository on a reliable source. Check files on your OS Free tools to scan your system:. Anti-malware: and (by Malwarebytes), (by Symantec), (by Kaspersky).

Anti-virus:,. (Independent tests:, ). Anti-ransomware: Free online services (without registration) to check your file:. (by Google). (by ).

(by Payload Security) If you find an issue:. Contact your anti-virus or anti-malware support. Report it on the official Chromium supports. For links, see my below. To update Chromium automatically.

As always, never install a closed-source software especially if you have never heard it before!, (and its service) are good places to find good stuff. So, try these open-source Chromium updaters:. (by Henry.

2018. C. To update builds of The Chromium Authors, Nik, RobRich and Eloston ). via Chocolatey, for and Chromium versions (2018.

In command-line). new (by mkorthof. 2018. Batchfile). (by pwlin.

2018. Batchfile, PHP).

(by Programming4life. 2018.

Rust). (by LonelyCannibal. 2017. AutoIt. Archive: ). (by Michael Kharitonov.

2016. Batchfile). (by stsy. 2016. C#). new (by Charl P. @Anon4037: Not tested.

They are development versions. So one or both can be unstable. @Anon4038: Brave is one of many on Android. Nothing against this project. Just Chromium and Brave are different!;) @Aargl: I do not use macOS. The instructions about must be outdated:/ Read this Github thread and its comments: Please, then tell us which method works for you.

I understood that it works with variables in /Library/LaunchAgents. But can you help more? Do you use 'export', 'launchctl setenv' or create a 'plist' file, for example?